Essential oils have a profound effect on the body, mind, heart and soul. Living and adapting to the Earth for millennia, plants and trees are uniquely suited to offer us healing directly from Mother Nature. Medical oils have been used for thousands of years to help prevent disease, heal common ailments, restore emotional and spiritual balance and enhance the quality of our lives.
I have chosen to use Wisdom of the Earth oils in my work because I was searching for the most natural essential oils to use in my practice. It is a small, boutique company that buys directly from the worldwide farmers who grow the plants and distill the oils. Each family farmer is dedicated to growing their plants 100% organically. Many of them grow biodynamically with compassion for the Earth and the human family.
There is no production line or machinery at Wisdom of the Earth. Every bottle of organic essential oils you receive is hand poured in ceremony. Oils are never diluted or blended, allowing each single essential essence to retain its natural healing vibration. There are many ways I work with the essences in my practice. If you are interested in purchasing one or more bottles of the purest essential oils, I carry the entire line of Wisdom of the Earth oils: over 200 single note essences. I encourage you to browse through the pages of oils on this website in the Online Store and discover the powerful and incredible range of benefits each of these plants possesses.
You will find many oils to choose from, and if you have never used them or are unfamiliar with the variety offered, the choices can feel overwhelming. Perhaps you are unsure about which of these 100 percent natural essential oils will be the most effective for your current situation. I have spent many years studying essential oils and working with them, so I offer Consultations to help inform and guide you in your choice and use of the essences.
If you are interested in deeply experiencing the essences, I offer Anointings. The Wisdom of the Body Immune Boost will allow you to experience a full-body anointing, as if you were being prepared for a temple rite, allowing you to experience your Higher Self. The Wisdom of the Body Clarifying Treatment is a quick, 15-minute pick-me-up that grounds you, allowing for sharper mental focus and clarity. Please check Classes for the ongoing Essential Oil Workshops I offer.

Susan Bender